Streamlined communication through a dedicated project manager

Maximum level of automation to ensure ease of management

Development using only proven, tested and highest quality technologies


CMS is the heartbeat of your
e-commerce project

A multi-brand e-commerce store will commonly entail a more significant number of products and slightly more complex functionalities. To ensure optimal performance and ultimately your customer satisfaction, our recommendation would be to use the following Content Management Systems (CMS):

How we get you there: Our process



A dedicated project manager is assigned to capture your idea and project requirements. A comprehensive consultation is provided to advise you on the best way forward, the timeline, and the suggested pricing. Deliverables include:

    • Understanding your vision
    • Formulating project requirements
    • Technical consultation
    • Formal proposal


Next, our trusted branding and marketing consultants will help you formulate a solid branding and marketing strategy that will effectively position your business in the market.

    • Market Research
    • Brand Strategy
    • Visual Identity
    • Marketing Strategy

Discovery & Design

Flawless user experience stands at the core of every successful project. Therefore, at this stage, we research and plan all of the UX and UI elements to ensure that your project will meet your customers’ expectations. The deliverables include:

    • Research & Planning
    • Interface Design
    • User Experience Design
    • Wireframe Design
multivendor marketplace consultation website design

Development & Design

At this point, the project manager will consolidate the final and approved requirements, strategy documents, and wireframes and pass everything over to the developer, who will proceed with the project’s development phase.


Quality Assurance

Before the formal launch of your store, our team will perform a complete quality assurance check to ensure that the store is operating flawlessly and to your satisfaction. Most commonly executed tests are:

    • Penetration Testing
    • Penetration Reports
    • Security Analysis
multivendor marketplace consultation quality

Use Cases

Below are some great examples of what our solution could help you achieve by taking your physical store online.

Out Hosting Partners

Quality hosting plays a very critical role in ensuring the reliable and solid performance of your e-commerce store. After thorough testing, we have selected and partnered with some of the best hosting providers in the market to support your entire project.

Out CRM Partners

We also understand that customer management is a hefty task. To give you a truly complete and flexible solution for customer relationship management, we offer seamless and on-demand integration with the leading CRM providers in the market.


Let's make your idea a reality

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